Read on because! This is for anyone that wants to improve
and shorten their journey to Internet Marketing Success.
So what are the three most important things you must
have for Internet Marketing success?
Is it a good product? No. A good product is essential and that is of course obvious in any marketing scheme. But, it’s not in the top 3.
Is it traffic? No. Sure you will never get anywhere without traffic and traffic is of course what makes marketing online profitable. No traffic, no profit, no business. Nope, not in the top 3.
Is it a list, a buyers list? No. Although you should have, even must have a list,
mainly a buyers list to have a customer base to continue your marketing efforts. Again, not in the top 3.
OK. I’m going to give you the top 3 essentials for Internet Marketing Success.
Number 1: Your Mindset. This has to be number 1. As you move into your marketing quest you are going to be given many hurdles to overcome and if your mindset isn’t ready, you are doomed. Yes, doomed before you even get a real start.
What are some of the things necessary for a good mindset? Knowing yourself and working on making better choices. FOCUS, Overcoming Fear, Procrastination, Time management and others. And make sure you always have a workable set of goals. Goals are the fuel that keeps you going.
Number 2: A Plan. Without a plan you are not going to be successful in your marketing efforts.
Plain and simple If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I’ve seen this written many ways but it is dead on. You would not even take a car trip without a plan. Even the most simple grocery list is a plan.
So why would you try marketing yourself, a product or even a service without a plan.
Outline what it is you want to achieve. Now set up a check list of everything you need to do. Checking off the items as the steps needed are being taken. Don’t forget, this is first for your business set up (website, financials and such and then also, all your marketing efforts. (Products, All Sales Pages,Marketing avenues and such.)
Number 3: Ability To Take Action. You Must Take Action! This should be number 1 but without the above being taken it would not be achievable.
Few people REALLY understand how important this concept is to success.
We all know the old saying, “Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda,” when we see an opportunity slip away. I know I’ve said it, “I THOUGHT OF THAT YEARS AGO!” about something new I came across. But I didn’t take action. I let some small problems be excuses for not moving forward. Don’t let this happen to you.
You have to finally decide enough is enough! You should want a lifestyle revolving around the goals that you want and not what someone else thinks you should want.
Everything doesn’t have to be perfect the first time or the next. I’ve definitely fallen into that old trap! Guess what, most people don’t even notice. You can fix the mistakes later. We learn from our mistakes.
Look at “APPLE” they do it every time. They launch a product and let the consumers find the bugs. And this method works for them. By allowing yourself to say, “I changed my mind” and “I was wrong”, you will experience newfound freedom.
We are all creatures of habit and hate to be taken out of our comfort zones but taking risks and just getting out there can move mountains. Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” entire book revolves around one major idea and that is to think. After thinking, take action and be persistent.
Be positive in your thinking and stay away from negative influences.
Don’t believe that success is hard. It is a process, so take it one step at a time. You can learn what you don’t already know. If you are looking to change your financial situation and your life, believe in yourself and take action!
Don’t let anymore wonderful opportunities pass you by!
You know the saying “Just Do It” It’s true and It works!
So! Just do something! Anything, but you have to do something!
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This article is an edited excerpt taken from my book “The Marketers Protocol“
It will give you a lot of insight on the things you MUST DO for Internet Marketing success!
Available on Amazon and is a MUST READ for all newbies and struggling marketers
For More Info On My Book Go Here